
Süper kahraman olsaydınız neler yapardınız? 10 tane madde halinde cümleler.. İngilizce olucak ama eğer zorlanıyosanız Türkçe de yazabilirsiniz ben ingilizceye çeviririm bu bir performans ödevi bu yüzden intten bakmak yerine kendinize göre cevap verin lütfen:)​

Cevap :


* I used to rush to help people without expecting anything in return.

* I used to live in seclusion.

* If I had the ability to fly, I would enjoy gliding in the air like a bird.

*I would make the justice mechanism in the country really functional.

* By designing my own symbol and costume, I would get people to talk about me that way with admiration.

* I used to put all my experiences into a book until I became a folk hero.

*I would give a real life education to the next generation to spread goodness all over the world.

* I would keep my relations with the government tight and sincere.

* If I was moving fast, I would help people with their work.