
(complete the sentences with the simple past forms of the irregular verbs in the list use each verb only once )

anse creep dig hold feed fall feel spring forbid hide slide forgive keep lay lie

1. As a child, I..... caged birds, but now I don't, as I no longer like seeing them in captivity.

2. The meeting should have been quite short, but the question of finance

3. I...... ..... into the house really quietly last night in the hope that my parents wouldn't notice how late I was.

4. I.. .... him for borrowing the car without my permission, but not for lying about it when I first asked.

5. I'm sorry I didn't turn up last night, but I....... down on my bed for a few minutes' rest and accidentally went to sleep!

6. They ........ the party at a friend's house because theirs wasn't big enough

7. His father........ him from listening to rock music in the house as he insisted on play ing it so loudly.

8. She ......... the table for ten people, but in fact, only six of the invited guests carne

9. I was late for work this morning because my daughter. ... my car keys from me and then couldn't remember where they were.

10. He......... ...... badly when he was playing football and fractured his ankle

11. My neighbour was furious when our dog.... ..... a big hole in his flowerbed

12. It's not surprising that he so ill this morning. He drank far too much wine last night.

13. She must have been waiting for an important call, because the minute she heard the phone ringing, she ........ to her feet and rushed to answer it.

14. My wife was so angry with me for being late that she ......... ..my dinner to the dog!

15. As he .......... slowly off his chair and collapsed into a heap on the floor, I realized he was drunk.

:d yardım

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Cümleleri listedeki düzensiz fiillerin basit geçmiş halleriyle tamamlayın her fiili sadece bir kez kullanın )

anse sürünme kazmak beslemek düşmek hissetmek bahar yasaklamak gizlemek slayt affetmek yalan söylemeye devam et

1. Çocukken..... kuşları kafese koydum, ama şimdi onları tutsak görmekten hoşlanmadığım için sevmiyorum.

2. Toplantı oldukça kısa olmalıydı, ancak finans sorunu

3. Ben...... ..... dün gece, ailemin ne kadar geç kaldığımı fark etmemesi umuduyla gerçekten sessizce eve girdim.

4. Ben.. .... benim iznim olmadan arabayı ödünç aldığı için, ama ilk sorduğumda yalan söylemediği için.

5. Dün gece gelmediğim için üzgünüm, ama ben...... birkaç dakika dinlenmek için yatağıma yattım ve yanlışlıkla uyudum!

6. Onlar ........ bir arkadaşının evindeki partiyi çünkü onlarınki yeterince büyük değildi