hikayenin devamini yazabilecek olan? bir seyler uydurun lutfnn

One day the villagers saw something in the forest they had never seen before. that thing made people very anxious about it. So they eventually decided to do some thing and they made a rescue team to save all village. This is a team of volunteers. They all smart, powerfull and brave but still they weren't sure about it was a good plan. A day came to leave. İt was a long trip in the forest then they saw a cave to stay for a night but when midnight comes the threes seems extremly weird. kind of green light comes from the threes. They came close to touch. Sameone of them thought it was a bad idea but they anyway touched and then they woke up again like all of them only was a dream but somehow they knew it, it wasn't a dream at least not a good one
ingilzcem aşiri iyi degil bazi yerlerde hatalar olmus olabilir ama anlaşılıyor sonucta