
THEME 7 Chinese New Year is the greatest festival of China. It is the largest festival and holiday for the country as the celebrations 1. Chinese New Year Gin Ten Yill run from Chinese New Year's Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern festival on the fireworks, symbolic clothing, flowers, lanterns, etc are displayed during the celebrations. The traditional lion dance is 15 day of the first month. It is also known as the Spring Festival. The arrival of the new year is celebrated Dragons also performed at the festival. 2. Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival Pingxi Tókułu zu fener Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival is one of the biggest cultural events in Taiwan It falls on the 151 day after the Chinese New Cestival Year. The exact event location is announced by the municipality every year. The purpose is to bring people together to make wishes and be part of incredibly beautiful scenes and moments. There are, of course, other events within the festival but the main festival event is group releasing events Groups release lanterns into the sky, with their wishes attached to them. The Bureau of Tourism provides lanterns at some certain points divali 3. Diwali Diwali is India's biggest and most important holiday of the year It is as important to people of India as the Christmas is to Christians or Eids to Muslims. Originally, it is a spiritual, religious festival, but over the centuries, it has also become a national festival. As India is diverse in faith, the festival means different to all, but the main reason for the celebration is the victory of the good over evil. A large colorful statue of an Indian elephant forms the special part of the decoration at the festival. There are different activities for each day of the festival. On the first day, people usually clean homes, shop for gold and Kitchen utensils because they believe it will bring good luck. The second day is for home decoration with clay lamps and creating design patterns on the floor with colored powders or sand. Time for the family gathering and feasts is the third day Firework festivities are also on this day . The fourth day is the first day of the new year. Friends and relatives visit each other to give gifts and best wishes. The last day is for brothers to visit their married sisters and to have a big meal. kis kial Winterlude is Canada's, especially the Capitals, annual winter celebration. The purpose is to bring fun and joy to the winter. It lasts for three weeks with intensive weekend activity programs. During the festivals, snow and sculpture competitions are arranged, snow playgrounds are constructed, sporting and skating events are organized. Sports, arts, fun, excitement await you during Winterlude. 4. Winterlude (Arkadaşlar pasif cümleler hangisi)​

Cevap :

Merhaba ^^

Bu soruda pasif cümleleri bulunuz derken yani bizden edilgen cümleleri bulmamızı istiyor.

İlk önce edilgen cümle nedir bi öğrenelim.

Türkçede edilgen cümlelerde özne yoktur. Sözde özne vardır. " n, l " ekleriyle yapılır.

İngilizcede de bu durum yine aynıdır sadece İngilizce biçimidir. Edilgen cümlelerin öge dizilişi şöyledir :

.... + be + Fiil 3 ( fiilin üçüncü hali ) + Nesne...

örnek cümleler yazalım :

1. The classroom is cleaned everday. => Sınıf her gün temizlenir.

2. Was message in the sent ? => Mesaj gönderildi mi ?

3. The history can be traveled. => Tarihi yerler gezilebilir.

Şimdi de sorumuza gelelim. Metindeki edilgen cümleleri bulalım.

1. It is the largest festival and holiday for the country as the celebrations 1. Chinese New Year Gin Tell Yill run from Chinese New Years Eve, the last day, on the last month of Chinese calander, to the Lantern festival on the firewoks, symbolik, clothing, flowers, lanterns, etc are displayed during the celebrations.

Çevirisi : Kutlamalar olarak ülke için en büyük festival ve tatildir 1. Çin Yeni Yılı Cin takviminin son ayının son günü olan Çin Yeni Yılı'ndan havai fişekler, sembolik giysiler üzerinde Fener Festivali'ne koşar, çiçekler, fenerler vb kutlamalar sırasında görüntülenir.

2. It is also known as the Spring Festival.

Çevirisi : Bahar Bayramı olarak da bilinir.

3. The arrival of the new year is celebrated Dragons also performed at the festival.

Çevirisi : Yeni yılın gelişi kutlanır, ayrıca festivalde Ejderhalar da sahnelenir.

4. The exact event location is announced by the municipality every year.

Çevirisi : Kesin etkinlik yeri her yıl belediye tarafından duyurulur.

5. During the festivals, snow and sculpture competitions are arranged, snow playgrounds are constructed, sporting and skating events are organized.

Çevirisi : Festivallerde kar ve heykel yarışmaları düzenlenir, kar oyun alanları yapılır, spor ve paten etkinlikleri düzenlenir.

Metindeki edilgen cümleler bunlardır.

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