
10. Sınıf İNGİLİZCE yapar mısınız​

10 Sınıf İNGİLİZCE Yapar Mısınız class=

Cevap :

A : im very tired but i have to finish my english project, what should i do?
B : thinking about the consequences might help

A : i dont know what to buy my friend for his birthday, what do you think i should do?
B : put a return card in the gift just in case

A : i have a very short temper, do you have any advice?
B : take deep breaths until you feel calmer

A : i dont know how im supposed to stay safe during an earthquake, what do you think i should do
B : you should watch a video about it or you can ask an elder for advice

A : my mental health isnt the best right now, do you have any advice for me?
B : i think you should see a therapist and work on your problems