
İnternet güvenliği ile alakalı ingilizce cümle hemen lazım!!!​

Cevap :

Cevap: Every day on the Internet millions of people visit web pages, chat with each other through various programs and download various programs to their computers. During all these processes, they probably do not realize that somebody is watching them. If you are an internet user who does not read this sentence before, you have begun to ask yourself questions such as 'what is happening, who is watching me, why is watching'.

If you are a hacker on the Internet, if you are working in a company, you are your boss, if you are on the web pages of big companies you might be watched by those companies or government. These are sometimes malicious to harm you, sometimes for financial gain and sometimes for follow-up purposes. For this reason privacy on the internet is very important if you want your information to be hidden.

When connected to the Internet, your computer is assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address. This address is dynamic if you have a dial-up connection. If you have a connection like a cable modem or Adsl, it is static. The most important point of your privacy on the Internet is your IP address. If you have a static IP address with features that may be dangerous for you to share your IP address with other users.

The last thing I can say is that if you are an active internet user, you have to be careful not to let your information go away if you are doing your business over the internet. I have briefly mentioned what you need to pay attention to, and some practical information. Please note that this is a more dangerous environment than the computer would have thought, and always be careful.




We use the Internet very often, and we use it in some applications in our daily life, these applications ask for our information. We usually give. And because our information is only for us, we set certain passwords or passwords.


İnterneti çok sık kullanıyoruz günlük hayatta bazı uygulamalarda kullanıyoruz bu uygulamalar bizim bilgilerimizi ister. Bizde genellikle veririz. Ve bilgilerimizi sadece bizim için olduğu için belli şifreler yada parolalar belirleriz
