
aşağıdaki sorulara içinde If kullanarak 3 er cümlelik cevap yazabilir misiniz ikincisine olumsuz yanıt verilicek

Would you take something that removes your body’s need for sleep if it was given to you?
Would you take a $70k/week job offer where you get paid to sit in a pitch-black room and do nothing for 20 hours a day?

Cevap :

İlk soru: That would be nice. If I were to take that medicine, I would have around 8 more hours to spend every day. Thus, I'd take it.

İkinci soru: The payout sounds sweet but I wouldn't take that offer. I would refuse any amount of money-no matter how much it is-if it meant damaging my sanity in such conditions. Health always comes first.