(-) consider -jump - get out -shout - explain - thank - ask be(2) - decide - scy (2) - start - give up - continue. A group of frogs were traveling through the forest when two of them fell into a deep it. When the other frgos realized how deep the pit was, they told the two frops that the situation was hopeless. The two frogs to jump out of the pit to survive. They to try it but in spite of their great effort, the group of frogs that they should stop and wait to die. Eventually, , one of the frogs and what the others Jumping. The other frog to jump as hard as he could. The crowd of frogs. at him to stop the pain and just die. He finally 0f you hear us? The frog the others that he deaf so he couldn't hear what they said but still for encourgoing him the whole time it of frogs of the pit. The other frops much harder and Didn't the others that he in the pit. them