
: Good afternoon! Officer speaking. : I need your help. Somebody is trying to break into my neighbour's house. Calm down, please. Now, answer my questions. Firstly, what is your name? : Daniel. : How did you notice the incident? How many burglars can you see? :I'm at my balcony. I can see them. There are two strangers. One is climbing to my neighbour's balcony. The other one is waiting. : Keep calm. Don't hang up the phone. Are you calling us from the Atatürk Street? cer er er : : OK, yes. : The police will be there in a few minutes. : Oh, no! Stop, please! I'm terribly sorry! I know these guys. They are my neighbours. Hmmm, it seems that they forgot their keys. So, they are trying to get in their house through. the balcony. : Alright, sir. If there is a problem, please contact with us any time you need.​