Complete the following dialogue using ONE WORD in each blank. Thomas: 1) did you do in the game? one. Sam: I lost three 2) Thomas: I'm so sorry. But how did you lose? You're 3) five days 4). week. Sam: I couldn't play well because | 5) Thomas: I see. 6). know that 9) Sam: Do you 11) won the tournament? Sam: Timothy Simons. He 7). the medal last year too. Thomas: Oh, I know him. He's very ambitious. He always 8) usually goes running at the weekends 10) any sports? a shoulder injury. Thomas: I don't. But I'm fond 12) miss games. I 14). Sam: But you 15). Thomas: I was out of town 16). Complete the dialogue accordingly. a great spectator. watch my game. sports. I'm especially crazy 13) visit my grandmother. Henry: 1) Kevin: Table tennis. I 3) Henry: Baseball. I don't like individual sports. I prefer 4) Kevin: 15) played baseball. I don't know anything 6) baseball? Henry: It 8) is harder 10) sport do you like more? Table tennis 2) amazing tennis player. You train You should be 9). all the other sports. Kevin: Do baseball players prefer indoor or 11) Henry: I don't know. Kevin: What 12). Henry: A ball, a helmet and gloves. individual sports. What about you? do baseball players need? training on weekdays. I in winter. baseball? games? sports. tennis. I never it. Is it hard 7) good athlete and hit the baseball consistently. It play acil lütfen